Listing Awards for 3 Year Protocol Renewal

When applying for a 3 year renewal for an existing IACUC protocol, all active funding involving animal work that needs to be linked to this protocol must be listed in the funding section of the protocol renewal application.


  • All funding listed on the previous iteration of the protocol that is still active, including any supplements associated with the award.  Please include internally funded pilot projects and fellowship grants.
  • Any new funding that is in JIT and has a fundable score.
  • Any funding that has an expiration date that is within one month of the expiration date of the previous iteration of the existing protocol or is in a No Cost Extension.
  • Any funding that is expected to be funded within the next few months from the protocol renewal submission deadline date.

Do NOT Include:

  • A proposal that was not funded.
  • An award that expires prior to the protocol renewal submission deadline date.
  • A pending award that has not yet been reviewed by the sponsor or does not have a fundable score.
  • Any intramural funding (i.e. departmental funds).

Intramural Funding

  • If your protocol is funded ONLY by intramural funding and/or does not include a peer-reviewed funding source, please supply your department’s chair’s signature in the appropriate section of the protocol application (typically Section 20 for full protocol applications).  However, please list all extramural funding in the extramural funding table even if it is not peer-reviewed. 

Please refer to the funding section of the protocol application for additional information.  If you are unsure of what to include, please contact DoRC at for assistance.